
Friday, March 2, 2012

Windows 8 beta grabs 1 million downloads over one day

Proud parent Microsoft tweeted yesterday that one million copies had been downloaded since the beta hit the Web on Wednesday. The beta was released on the same day the company demoed the software at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Windows users were clearly curious to sample the beta, especially after tasting the Developer Preview launched last September. A work-in-progress peek into Windows 8, the Developer Preview raised hackles among many who found it geared more toward touch-based tablets than desktops and laptops.

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Five ways Google's unified privacy policy affects you

Today, Google's unified privacy policy goes live, allowing the search giant to combine and manipulate data from all its 60 free services, something it could not do under its previous policies.
Coverage of the policy change has been abundant during the last few weeks leading up to it, though Google has made no secret of its intentions--pop-ups alerting users to the transition can be seen on the home pages of all its services.

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